Monday, November 21, 2011

meeting minutes

November 21, 2011

Meeting called to order
Present: Clyde Head, Paul Anglin, Steve, Brown, Debby House and Jim Young

$300 alloted for Christmas decorations to neighborhood, to be done by Beth Ann Davis

Detention pond-$500 allocated $500 for plants

Budget 2012
113 homes occupied, 2012 budget expects 117 homes

date for next HOA meeting, Jan. 30, 2012 @ 7:20 Hendersonville Church of Christ

Motion for Paul Anglin to be appointed as paid treasurer at $500 per quarter, motion 2nd by Jim Young.

motion by Debby House for an incentive to homeowners to be entered into a drawing for a $100 giftcard with their signed proxy and full payment by the deadline. Motion seconded by Jim Young

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Paving/curb repair

Paving and curb repair will begin on Monday April 11. No parking on the streets please until this project is completed. Please be careful about driving through wet oil and into your driveways

Monday, March 21, 2011

HOA board meeting

March 21
place: Clyde Head residence

Meeting called to order

election of officers
President-Clyde Head
Secretary-Debby House-transfer of files
Treasurer-Paul Anglin

Action item: 206 Chapel Ct. S.-Lisa Sircy-barking dogs-letter to be sent reminding of leash law

All members present, current and outgoing

1. Establishment of board policy
that ARC will consist of IRHOA
2. establishment that Debby House (secretary) & Jim Young are to serve a 2 year term referenced by vote from IRHOA mtg Feb. 28, 2011

motion by Clyde Head for no solicitation sign & Children at play sign with a limit of $750, motion seconded by Jim Young

Action item-Steve Brown to take control of that project

Treasurers report provided by Paul Anglin and approved by the board

Action item-Steve brown to work on receiving another fence bid by April 10, 2011. Decision to be made by April 30, 2011

update on bonding company work issues from Steve Brown

Monday, February 28, 2011

2011 Board Elected

We want to thank all of the homeowners that participated in the election of the 2011 Board of Directors. We had 91 homes represented in tonight's election either in Proxy or in person.

2011 Board:
Paul Anglin
Steve Brown
Clyde Head
Debbie House
Jim Young

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

February 28th HOA Election

HOA Board Election
February 28th 7:30 PM
Hendersonville Church of Christ Community Room

A quorum must be present or represented via Proxy Vote for a new board to be elected.

Please plan to attend. This will be a short meeting!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011 HOA Election

the 2011 HOA board of directors will be elected on Monday February 28 at 7:30 PM at the Hendersonville Church of Christ Community Room.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

2011 HOA Annual Meeting

The Indian Ridge HOA annual meeting will be held at 7:30 PM on January 31, 2011 at Hendersonville Church of Christ Community Room in the old Kroger shopping center on Rockland Rd. Please plan to attend.